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Wheelchair seating assessments involve visual and manual examinations of how patients sit and move in their chairs, and lead to recommendations for different chairs or accessories to make sure patients are as comfortable as possible. This is important to reduce pain and minimize chances of injury, especially to the wrist and shoulder for manual wheelchair users.


Wheelchair seating assessments are difficult for existing infrastructure to manage in Northern Alberta. This means that wheelchair users in Northern communities have long wait times, often close to two years, before getting access to seating services to help them get a chair that fits their body and their needs the best. 


Additionally, a need for wheelchair seating services has been identified in seniors' facilities, especially those in rural areas. 


Alberta Health Services approached the Tele-Rehab team while we were preparing our funding application to ask us to tackle these issues. As we move into patient trials, we are optimistic about this module and are confident in its success.


Scroll to learn more about the expertise that has helped shape our Tele-Rehab Wheelchair Assessment!

Clinical Lead

Wheelchair Special Seating



Genevieve has worked with clients who require advanced seating and wheelchairs for over 10 years.  Her passion started when she was working in a long term care setting and has only grown from there.  She has taught wheelchair and seating prescription to the OT class at the University of Alberta since 2014, in addition to teaching classes for current therapists. She is also the current coordinator for the Edmonton Zone Seating Service, which is a community based seating clinic in the Edmonton Zone.

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